It was the 10th Anniversary of the Arrival Day with the Atrians, and for the last 10
years here on earth, first time that a group of human high school students including Emery, Julia
and Grayson got the chance to tour the whole sector, and hang with the atrians.

Well, let's back at the Sector , upon the arrival of the humans in the Atrian's territory, Roman saw Emery despite that Roman warned her already not to go. And here's Julia, remember the girl who got cured by Roman? It seems it didn't easily go that way, there's color blue glowing in her veins and it's fast spreading in some other parts of her body. So they need to find another cure for that and Roman will be needing Teri's help but sorry Teri didn't help him, they need to find
it by themselves.
While Emery is having interview with Sophia ,she got the chance to wander the pods, she saw a star and eventually remember the past when she had with Roman. I can in her eyes she had hopes but not when she saw Julia hugging with Roman. She also overheard what Grayson's parent about what they did during the Atrians Anniversary ceremony and being the leader with the Red Hawk.( poor emery i know what you feels darling) .
In the Other side,Teri and Drake pledged their allegiance to the Trags, a group of alien terrorists who are determined to take out the human race and free their people from the sector. Teri and Drake went up to the Atrian’s old spaceship during the Arrival Day ceremony and stole a tiny metal cube for the Trags. They brought the cube back to the Atrian sector and gave it to Teri's mom the leader of the Trags. The little metal cube called Black Syper can kill hundreds of humans in a seconds.
And lastly Gloria, why does she have some Atrian's with some secure place? Is she also an Atrian?
Keep watching guys...
it's still has lot of surprises to be revealed.
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